Feather and Down Production Website Design
Gooder Marketing helped created the website design for Feather Industries; a company that provides companies with down and feather production for many different purposes such as clothing and bedding. The website design provides an organized website that has a modern website design and content that provides all the information clients need about the process of down and feather development.
Website Development for Feather Manufacturing
The website for Feather Industries is developed through WordPress; a content management system that provides a organized solution for website development and content creation for front-end content and search engine optimization for back-end content such as meta titles and meta descriptions. It helped easily create and add content to the site. The website also has a mobile-friendly website design. In recent years, more people are accessing the internet using devices such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. People are getting information on-the-go. Having a website that is mobile-friendly is beneficial as Google promotes mobile-friendly websites, which will help reach more people.
Feather Manufacturing Website Design:
Gooder Marketing provided the website design and development for the new website of Feather Industries that provides all the information new customers need about down and feathers with a organized website design that is also available on any mobile device, and content that will help in search engine optimization. Feather Industries now has a website that is beneficial for today’s website standards and can help reach more people that need feathers and down.