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Motorcycle Mojo Magazine

Motorcycle Mojo MagazineImage

Website Designs for Motorcycle Magazines

Motorcycle Mojo is a magazine that talks about motorcycle reviews, and travel logs from across the world. They wanted an updated website design to become more fitting for a magazine in today’s website standards. They also wanted an app on their website that will feature their motorcycle travel logs.

Motorcycle Magazine Web Design Services:

The web development team at Gooder Marketing took on the challenge of creating a new website design for Motorcycle Mojo magazine. The new design is much more organized, and provides easy access to thousands of articles on their website. The website also has a section devoted to motorcycle reviews now organized by company and motorcycle types. The travel log app was developed as well providing easy access to the many travel articles being able to pinpoint each location of every article.

Website Development for Motorcycle Magazines:

The main objectives for the web design project of Motorcycle Mojo was to redesign their website completely to provide a better experience for their customers. This was easily done using WordPress to organize content and provides an easy way of creating the content on the site. The development with the app uses a database system known as Firebase. Using programming, each article has a GPS coordinate to pinpoint the location of which the article took place.

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