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Smoke’s Poutinerie

Smoke’s PoutinerieImage

Professional Restaurant Website Designs

Smoke’s Poutinerie is a restaurant chain in Canada and parts of the United States that prepare a large variety of poutine to their customers. They need a brand new, professional website design as their current website is outdated for today’s standards. They wanted a new website that can be accessed from any device and provide a way for people to download their new loyalty app. Finally, they needed a new website that is consistent with their current company branding.

Poutine Web Design Services:

Gooder Marketing prepared a new website design for Smoke’s Poutinerie that is very professional and consistent to the company’s branding. It can also be accessed on any device including smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The website also provides easy access to download the company’s new loyalty app so customers can order any kind of poutine in an easy fashion. The website is much more organized now and fits well with today’s website design standards.

Restaurant Website Development:

The main objective of the website development for Smoke’s Poutinerie was to develop a website design that is organized, consistent to the corporate branding, and provides easy access to all of the menu items provided by the company on any device. In order to do so, they developed the website in a content management system called WordPress. Using WordPress, a clean website design was created that can provide easy access to any part of the site on any device. Smoke’s Poutinerie now has a new website design that they can call their own.

Teal Circle

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